Take your cat to the vet

In Belgium, 70% of cats are not regularly examined by the veterinarian. Have your cat examined regularly by the veterinarian and avoid serious diseases by early detection.
There are many reasons why cats are not examined regularly by the veterinarian, including the fact that some cats are masters of concealment and often hide or mask their diseases.

With our partners, we encourage you to be aware of the importance of preventive veterinary care for cats.

Why is preventive veterinary care so important?

A regular routine check-up is essential to detect and treat various (chronic) conditions in time.

A recent study by the University of Ghent found that older cats (> 10 years old) who, at first glance, appeared healthy, had higher blood pressure, higher heart rate, more heart murmur and worse urine values than their younger counterparts.

En effet, ce n’est pas parce que votre chat semble en bonne santé de l’extérieur qu’il ne se passe rien à l’intérieur. The importance of routine checkups increases as your cat gets older.

An annual or even semi-annual inspection is strongly recommended. Indeed, did you know that 1 year of life in cats is equivalent to 4 to 7 years in humans?mme ? Do you go to the doctor more than once every 5 years?

a royal canin campaign: https://royalcanin.be/fr/400/actions/takeyourcattothevet

You can call our Veterinary Assistants and make an appointment for a consultation on 02/3802492.