What if you find a wild animal?
We get a lot of calls for wild animals. We are neither equipped nor authorized to treat them. These are animals that require specific care in accordance with wildlife legislation.
In addition, we remind you that the possession and transport of wildlife is strictly prohibited, except when transferring an injured animal to a wildlife rehabilitation center.
But then what to do?
The Golden Rule —> Do not act in haste, take the time to observe the animal and the situation. Then contact a wildlife rehabilitation center
In Brussels, you can contact the Belgian Royal League for the protection of birds (even for a wild mammal) on 02 521 28 50
In Wallonia, you can consult this map to find out which is the closest Revalidation center http://biodiversite.wallonie.be/fr/que-faire.html?IDC=3555
In Flanders, you can consult this map to find out which is the nearest Revalidation center https://vogelbescherming.be/wild-dier-nood/adressen-contactgegevens
The animal you found may not need help. We recommend that you read the advice given on
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