Smile you are filmed 🙂 For your safety, ours and that of your little companions, cameras have been installed in each room, on the hospital cages and on the parking lot.
Second floor: waiting room, 2 cabinets, toilet, dog hospitalization and cat hospitalization
ground floor: preparation or scaling room (or consultation 3), X-ray room, operating room, recovery room, hospitalization nac, stock
Let’s start the visit:
2 Offices, ultrasound, laboratory
Doctor Falmagne Caroline’s office, ultrasound machine
microscope , centrifuge, refractometer, rapid tests
preparation room, scaling room or consultation room for animals unable to climb stairs
Operating room
sterilization of equipment,
Hospitalization: We take care of your hospitalized pets day and night
Use of infusion pumps for more security, camera monitoring.
Laboratory: Not all analyses are done at the center, so some of these costs will be billed separately and sent directly to you by the laboratory.